
Thank you for being an Art of Living Home donor. As a donor, you may use this scheduler to use the Dome facilities.

Please make sure that everyone in your group reserves a dome by clicking the link to our scheduler above OR CLICK HERE.

We recommend a $20 contribution or “contribution in kind” through volunteer work or barter exchange. UPDATE: So far bartering has been 100% successful. “The wealth of man costs a lot more than money”. Keep it coming!

Why barter or $20? It’s super duper meaningful!

  • VALUE: The “Dome” is the lowest cost, highest value form of wellness.

  • FACT: Its cheaper than doing it yourself

  • REALITY: When we contribute less, Dome Wellness is in effect paying for you and the Art of Living program will slowly die.

  • OPPORTUNITY: Whenever we contribute at $20 or more we create a tipping point for expansion in Florida (saving more lives)

  • MORAL IMPERATIVE - Besides saving lives, this is also a social experiment for cultural renewal. If not now…when? If not this..what?

  • THE BOTTOM LINE: If you can’t afford to donate or be willing to offer services or barter, we love you, but please don’t come. Others will gladly take your place.


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